
original_post:_11/2/2000______I think this is the start of my first real mini storyline. I had an idea that Max should pitch the comic to a bigger publisher like Image or Top shelf, but it really should have been Emily. However, this idea spawned from my REAL LIFE having to give a presentation on my art history class project showing the several weeks of progress of this webcomic. I was mostly nervous about what my peers would think about my paltry comic strip compared to their "high art" styles. I was also nervous about the tie I was going to wear. This comic also uses the gag of a character looking at the reader as if to say, "oh my goodness, you've got to be kidding me." Breaking the fourth wall for a wink wink, nudge nudge. I was still trying to find what the angle of humor was in the strip, and I'm kind of glad that I didn't stick with that kind of schtick.
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