
original_post:_2/14/2001________ I knew early on that I was going to play thing a little sexy eventually, but I didn't want to just jump into showing sexy girls. I had to tease things in, if you will. I like to think of some of these strips where things got a little flirty and sexual as moments in these characters lives that we get to peek into. Sometimes they are about work, sometimes they're boring, sometimes they're sexy, sometimes they're about getting kidnapped. Oh, that's way later. Nevermind. Anyway, I've never made a scrapbook for a girl, and I certainly wouldn't know how. I find rubber cement a pain to work with. But I thought, in theory, it was a romantic gesture that Alli would probably like. This is one of the first times where Max started to not just be "things I did" but I started to realize who he was and what kind of things he would do.
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