
original_post:_12/24/2004____________________________ back in the present, Alli has to be updated about the truth about Naomi. After her kidnapping, Alli assumed Naomi was lying about her illness. But when Trenton tells her the truth (assuming he's not lying), Alli starts to rethink the severity of her situation. She's not just being held hostage, she might not get to set things right with her sister. This also hints that Trenton and Naomi did some things on Naomi's "bucket list" on the way to see the gang. In the epilogue of the strip, we see Max and Alli come back from California to visit the gang. This means that at this point in the story, they are not on the west coast. This makes the side trip to the Grand Canyon to the east coast (or thereabouts) is a bit of an inconvenience. This is something I should have solidified much sooner, but I kept things vague enough where I didn't want it to be an issue.
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