original_post:_3/17/2003_______________ I wish I could tell you exactly why three months went by before I started doing comics again, but I know a few things happened. I started a new job, I moved again, and my computer at the time crashed and I had to get a new one. I was not the best at being on time, and this was not the longest I would go with no new posts. The other thing that happened during this period was that Drew stopped writing the strip. I was ready to start writing it again having finished grad school and he was ready to move on to other things. I asked him if it was okay, he said it was, and probably for the better. I think it was good though, to try it out, because it later made me want to do a comic where all I had to do was draw, which led to Punch an' Pie. Also, I was in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in college, and it is a trippy play.